Communication of the recipient or communication by the recipient? – argumentation in contemporary communicative public sphere


  • Paweł Nowak



Contemporary communicative public sphere, Lowlands and plains of communication, Communication by the recipient, Public language, The natural order of things


The article describes the implementation of the rhetorical triangle in the communicative public sphere. Senders can employ three rhetorical-communicative strategies within it: communication with the recipient, communication of the recipient or communication by the recipient. The characterisation of this sphere through a topographical metaphor shows that the logos, ethos and pathos of public texts depend on the cognitive-communicative strategy of the senders and the flexibility of their language, which leads either to persuasion or manipulation of the recipients.


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How to Cite

Nowak, Paweł. 2023. “Communication of the Recipient or Communication by the Recipient? – Argumentation in Contemporary Communicative Public Sphere”. Res Rhetorica 10 (2):6-22.